A farewell event for President Hashem al-Atasi in 1955

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Image Source: Syrianhistory.com Archive

From left to right (front row): Parliament Speaker Nazem al-Qudsi, President Hashem al-Atasi, Prime Minister Sabri al-Asali, unknown, Public Works and Transportation Minister Abdul Baqi Nizam al-Din, Economy Minister Fakher al-Kayyali, unknown, Justice Minister Maamoun al-Kuzbari, Finance Minister Leon Zamariya. Behind Sabri al-Asali is Asaad Mahasin (who became minister of finance one year later), seated next to Izzat al-Saqqal in Ottoman fez, seated next to Chief-of-Staff of the Syrian Army, General Tawfiq Nizam al-Din. The first man from the left in the third row is Hanna Malek, the secretary-general of the Premiership. Seated two rows behind Maamoun al-Kuzbari (wearing glasses) is ex-Justice Minister Asaad Kourani.