The murder of Syrian dancer and singer Sahar, wife of Khaled Taja - 1981

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Image Source: Mahmud Zebawi Library

Sahar, a famous cabaret singer in the 1970s, was stalked by a lover who is un-identified in the article. He began gambling to make money that he could spend on her, and sold a plot of land for 500,000 SP. When his fortunes died out, she abandoned him. One night, he walked into the Semiramis Nightclub where she worked, and threw two grenades, killing both himself and her, along with 20 people. The article tells the story, and has photos of her funeral, attended by top artists like the comedian Ziad Mawlawi, the actor Rafiq Sibayi, the musician and actor Shaker Barikhan, and Syrian tenor Sabah Fakhri. She was mourned by her husband, the actor Khaled Taja.