President Atasi with Prime Minister Fares al-Khury at the Presidential Palace - 1954

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Image Source: Archive

This photo was taken shortly after Prime Minister Khury was sworn-into office upon creating his fourth and last cabinet, which lasted from October 29, 1954 to February 13, 1955. Standing behind the two leaders is Foreign Minister Faydi al-Atasi. Behind Faydi al-Atasi stands Walid Majed, the director of protocol at the Syrian Presidency. To the far left, behind the flowers, is Culture Minister Fakher al-Kayyali. Standing behind Faydi Bey is Khaled Shatila, the secretary-general of the Syrian Presidency. Sixth from right, in the back row, is the judge Hanna Malek, the secretary-general of the Syrian Premiership.